Following 3 successful years of Be Street Weekends in Paris, France, Be Street magazine moved their roots to Los Angeles and hosted the first U.S. Be Street weekend in their new hometown. The venue took place in the Container Yard, in the arts district of downtown Los Angeles; Be Street gathered a bevy of artists, musicians, and brands alike. The main warehouse building was dedicated to the Soulection collective presenting their “Sound of Tomorrow” lineup and a custom designed skate park in the corner decorated by MadSteez.
Surrounding the courtyard full of local food trucks, the winding outdoor hallways of the rest of the space housed talented artists such as Luke Pelletier, James Haunt and Yuka Chocomoo; each creating original works on massive canvases over the course of 2 days.
As for our home base at the event, XLARGE had the luxury of being next to incredibly young and gifted artist Aaron Kai, who did nothing short of impress with his vibrant canvas.
The XL pop-up shop was complete with new pieces from our Fall 2015 line, special edition Delicious Vinyl collaborative pizza boxes, and a ton of dope giveaways. The finishing touch to our corner was a classic 1982 Donkey Kong arcade machine; where we threw a competition all weekend to anyone who could dent the high score for the weekend. Our top contender, Zikomo, reigned supreme and earned a $200 gift card to XLARGE.
Many thanks to BeStreet magazine (Benny & Shu we love y’all) for inviting X-Large to this special event. Los Angeles has always been a host to different creative subcultures and BeStreet did a wonderful job uniting them all into an open and cultured environment for everyone to experience, connect and enjoy.
Photos by: @trainofthoughtcollective &